Image() function with 4 points


Can you provide some context for this statement:

I am seeing the opposite in the context of my example below.

image() with 5 parameters is faster than resize() in this example:

PImage img1, img2;
int t1, t2;
boolean toggle;

void setup() 
  size(800, 800, P2D);
  img1 = loadImage("");
  println(img1.width, img1.height);
  mouseX = 1; mouseY = 1;

void draw() 
  img2 = img1.copy();
  // image
  if (toggle)
    t1 = millis();
    image(img2, 0, 0, mouseX, mouseY);
    t2 = millis();
    println("image", t2-t1);
  // resize
    t1 = millis();
    img2.resize(mouseX, mouseY);
    image(img2, 0, 0);
    t2 = millis();
    println("resize", t2-t1);
void mouseClicked()
  toggle = !toggle;

Related topic:
Faster PImage Resizing


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