I have a bit of a problem with a collision check loop

you don’t have to use it

you were doing fine with the 3 global parallel arrays

Cheers, so you don’t think there is any technical difference between the two then ?

I used the “z” “x” “c” “,” “.” “/” key configuration
up back down left forward right
-Y +Z +Y -X -Z +X

as it enables 6 direction movement in a 3D matrix without any finger shift to other keys , I am find it quite comfortable the more I get used to it ! I don’t want to use mouse XY for the plotter as the keys enable a one axis change from the last point usefull for drawing out square bases etc without eye checking an on screen coordinate readout… I originally developed the config with 3D flight in mind. Thanks Chris.

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No there is no difference.

But people from games are used to wasd

Never mind

Yeah. Understood.

Also possible with mouse: eg key 1 mode where only mouse x is used, key 2 for y, key 3 for z

Cheers Chrisir , very helpfull.

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