How to make different sizes for one renderer

well, I did not measure it, I really thaught it was. I mean, what is the advantage of using createGraphics() than a save("myImage.png") plus exit() combination ?

here is my result

and here is the code

PGraphics pg;
PImage img ; 
color orange, yellow, green;
float x, y, nb, s, alpha;

void setup() {
  // A3 size (300 DPI) 3508 * 4961
  pg = createGraphics(980, 270);
  //pg = createGraphics(3508, 2480);
  img = loadImage("../greyLogo1.png");  
  orange = color(246, 130, 18); 
  yellow = color(277, 215, 00); 
  green = color(0, 138, 0);

  float x, y, xdev, ydev, nb, ydevMax;
  for (float i=pg.height-20; i> 1; i = (i*0.85)) { // -200

    nb = map(i, pg.height, 1, 13, 30 );
    xdev = map(i, pg.height, 1, pg.width*0.02, pg.width*0.03);
    ydevMax = pg.height*0.05;
    ydev = map(i, pg.height, 1, pg.height*0.01, ydevMax); 
    ydev = ydev/ydevMax;
    ydev = pow(ydev, 1);
    ydev *= ydevMax;
    //    ydev = expoThis(ydev, pg.height*0.01, pg.height*0.05, 2);

    for (int j=0; j < nb; j++) {
      x =  j * pg.width/nb + random(-xdev, xdev);
      y = i + random(-ydev, ydev);
      drawOne(x, y);

void drawOne(float x, float y) {
  float size = y / pg.height;
  size = pow (size, 1.5);
  size = size * 170 + 10; // [10- 180]

  float a = 255;
  if ( y >pg.height*3/4) {
    a = random(180, 255);
  } else if (y>pg.height*2/4) {
    a = random(140, 230);
  } else if (y >pg.height*1/4) {
    a = random(110, 210);
  } else if (y > 0) {
    a = random(60, 200);

  float rand = random(0, 3.1);
  if ( rand <1) pg.tint(orange, a);
  else if (rand <2) pg.tint(yellow, a); //yellow 241, 196, 15
  else if (rand>2) pg.tint(green, a); // green

  pg.translate(x, y);
  pg.rotate(PI/random(-2, 2));
  pg.image(img, 0, 0, size * 200/100, size*313/100);