Help writing a visual code for deforming circle

Returning to the morph base sketch concept:

…you can demonstrate adding audio to the morph demo by changing a single line to add random noise:

vertex(v.x + random(-5,5), v.y + random(-5,5));

The concept is that each vertex is a combination of two things – its geometric postiion (a square, a circle, whatever) and its audio displacement. Create an ArrayList of current geometry vertices and another of target vertices to lerp towards – periodically load an new geometry into the target array, and now you have a morphing display (as in the starting morph sketch). This can be used for squircles – or any closed shape, really.

Now, for any geometry, add audio displacement at draw time. You can do clever things with the displacement by using the built-in PVector methods. For example, rather than adding random x,y, you can PVector.lerp() your geometry point into a display point that is shifted away from (or towards) the center of the sketch, creating radial displacement – or even make that “center” a bouncing ball, or track the mouse, etc–so audio displacement is mapped onto your base vertex geometry, but also interactive and/or the mapping changes over time.

  PVector center = new PVector(mouseX-width/2, mouseY-height/2);
  for (PVector v : morph) {
    PVector v2 = v.copy().lerp(center, random(-0.5, 0.5));
    vertex(v2.x, v2.y);