Hello, my name is Bryce,
I have been working on a project for a while and I just cant get it. This is what I'm supposed to do:
“Your job is to create a game where there is a row of boxes along the top of the canvas, and a mid-line that your player cannot cross (the program will stop it). Your player should also be contained to the boundaries of the canvas. Your player should then be able to shoot at the squares and when the square are “hit” they should appear to disappear”.
I have completed everything except for making the squares disappear upon contact with the bullet anything helps.
and this is my code:
// circX is for the smaller circle
let circX;
// circY is for the smaller circle
let circY;
//bulletX is for the shooting bullet
let bulletX;
//bulletX is for the shooting bullet
let bulletY;
// is for the first blue rect
let rect1x=0;
// is for the second green rect
let rect2x=40;
// is for the third red rect
let rect3x=80;
// is for the fourth pink rect
let rect4x=120;
// is for the fifth blue rect
let rect5x=160;
// is for the sixth green rect
let rect6x=200;
// is for the seventh red rect
let rect7x=240;
// is for the eighth pink rect
let rect8x=280;
// is for the ninth blue rect
let rect9x=320;
// is for the tenth green rect
let rect10x=360;
// is for the mouseX to lead the object
let myMouseX;
// is for the mouseY to lead the object
let myMouseY;
// to enable shooting
let shoot = false;
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
function draw() {
// for the bullet to follow the mouse
bulletx = mouseX;
// to activate the bullet
circle(bulletx, mouseY, 10);
if (bulletx >= rect1x){
rect1x = 5
//middle line
rect (0,250,400,0);
// rect1
stroke (“Black”);
fill (“Blue”);
rect (0,0,40,40);
// rect2
stroke (“Black”);
fill (“green”);
rect (40,0,40,40);
// rect3
stroke (“Black”);
fill (“red”);
rect (80,0,40,40);
// rect4
stroke (“Black”);
fill (“pink”);
rect (120,0,40,40);
// rect5
stroke (“Black”);
fill (“Blue”);
rect (160,0,40,40);
// rect6
stroke (“Black”);
fill (“green”);
rect (200,0,40,40);
// rect7
stroke (“Black”);
fill (“red”);
rect (240,0,40,40);
// rect8
stroke (“black”);
fill (“pink”);
rect (280,0,40,40);
// rect9
stroke (“Black”);
fill (“Blue”);
rect (320,0,40,40);
// rect10
stroke (“Black”);
fill (“green”);
rect (360,0,40,40);
circX = mouseX;
circY = mouseY;
// all is for the boundries for the purple circle
if (circY <= 275){
circY = 275;
if (circX <= 25){
circX = 25;
if (circY >= 375){
circY = 375;
if (circX >= 375){
circX = 375;
// big circle
fill (“Purple”);
circle(circX, circY,50);
if (mouseIsPressed){
if (mouseButton === LEFT){
shoot = true;
myMouseX = mouseX;
myMouseY = mouseY;
// to enable shooting
if (shoot == true){
myMouseY = myMouseY - 5;
// smaller circle