You also posted here looking for a “U instead of flat”.
You were also asked to format your code there as well.
Here is a good reference:
For the L:
I used 2 loops to draw the grid and swapped the x and z vertex in one of them; you will have to change ranges in the for() loops to get the L.
For the U:
I added sin() values to the z vertex; I used 0 to 15 > 0 to PI (mapped or math) … and I took the sin() of that multiplied by an amplitude and added that to z vertex.
You will have to determine a formula for amp to offset the z from 0 to 15.
To get you started with the U (just one loop):
vertex(vertices[z][x].x, vertices[z][x].y, vertices[z][x].z+amp);
vertex(vertices[z][x+1].x, vertices[z][x+1].y, vertices[z][x+1].z+amp);
And the result of my efforts: