Get the current instance of PApplet from a library

I came up with another solution that uses another weakpoint specificy for when using JOGL.
processing/ at master · processing/processing · GitHub
At this point a new Thread is dispatched and by checking all active threads you can find out that it has the name “Thread-3” from there you can get the Runnable This is a inner class of PSurfaceJOGL so you can use this$0 to get it. And PSurfaceJOGL has a field called sketch. This can be combined with the solution for JAVA2D to cover all possibilities.
This solution probably will work with processing 4 with a few adjustments as processing 4 also dispatches the same thread with the one difference that lambdas are used.
processing4/ at master · processing/processing · GitHub
Here is the code that worked in the end:

import processing.awt.*;
import processing.opengl.*;
import processing.core.*;

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
/**This class finds the active PApplet (Processing program)*/
public class PAppletFinder {
  /**This class takes the contents of the window and pieces together the PApplet
   * @return PApplet of the current sketch.
   * @param c contents of the Processing window (must be a SmoothCanvas)*/
  public static PApplet get(Component c) {
    PSurfaceAWT.SmoothCanvas sc=(PSurfaceAWT.SmoothCanvas) c;
    try {
      PSurfaceAWT psa=(PSurfaceAWT) get(sc, "this$0", sc.getClass());
      PApplet prg=(PApplet) get((PSurfaceNone)psa, "sketch", PSurfaceNone.class);
      return prg;
    catch(Exception e) {
    return null;

  public static PApplet foundPapplet=null;
  /**The main method to be used when using the PAppletFinder*/
  public static PApplet find() {
    if (foundPapplet==null) foundPapplet=findFromWindow();
    if (foundPapplet==null) foundPapplet=fromThreads();
    return foundPapplet;

  /**This looks out for windows and gives the contents of the right one to the get method
   * @return PApplet of the current sketch.*/
  public static PApplet findFromWindow() {
    JFrame mainWindow=null;
    java.awt.Window win[]=java.awt.Window.getWindows();
    for (int i=0; i<win.length&&mainWindow==null; i++) if (win[i] instanceof JFrame) {
      mainWindow=(JFrame) win[i];
      Component c=mainWindow.getContentPane().getComponents()[0];
      return get(c);
    return null;
  /**This is used to get the value of fields
   * @return Object value of a field
   * @param j the Object from which the value is taken
   * @param target name of the field*/
  public static Object get(Object j, String target, Class<?> ref) {
      try {
        Field f=ref.getDeclaredField(target);
        return f.get(j);
      catch (Exception e) {
    return null;
  /**When using P2D or P3D everything is built differently however there is a weakness to be found in PSurfaceJOGL as it dispatches a Thread using an annonymous inner class as Runnable*/
  public static PApplet fromThreads() {
    Set<Thread> threadSet=Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet();
    for (Thread th : threadSet) if (th.getName().matches("Thread-3")) {
      //println(" ");
      //println("Thread: Class:"+th.getClass()+" Name:"+th.getName()+" Daemon:"+th.isDaemon());
        try {
          //for (Field f : th.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) println(f);
          Field f=th.getClass().getDeclaredField("target");
          Object currinstance=null;
          return (PApplet) (currinstance=f.get(currinstance));
        catch(Exception e) {
          System.err.println("An error occurred");
    return null;

  public static Object getEnclosingInstance(Object o) {
    try {
      Class<?> classused=o.getClass();
      Field this0=classused.getDeclaredField("this$0");
      return this0.get(o);
    catch(Exception e) {
      return null;

An example-sketch using this would be:

void setup() {
void draw() {