Fading and Zoom (image slideshow)

Hi @ajaynischal98,

Code adjusted. Just play a bit around to figure out yourself and adjust to your needs.

How large are your images ?!
I would say scale down size to fix it. In case it would not be possible you need another approach.
You could split the image into parts and display it like a grid which combined shows the whole image, but you would need to implement that by yourself …


— mnse

ArrayList<PImage> images;
int   lastImageIndex = -1;
int   nextImageIndex =  0;
float alphaValue     =  0;
float alphaShift     =  0.005; // adjust speed, smaller = slower

void setup() {
  fullScreen(P2D); // adjust to your needs (ie fullscreen)
  images = new ArrayList<PImage>();
  String[] lines = loadStrings("images.txt");
  for (String line : lines) {
    PImage img = loadImage(line);

void draw() {
  // as index is zero based, zoom in image on index 1,3,5,.. means second, fourth sixth,... image else just blend
  fade(lastImageIndex,nextImageIndex,alphaValue, nextImageIndex % 2 != 0);  
  if (alphaValue >= 1.0) {
    lastImageIndex = nextImageIndex;
    nextImageIndex = (lastImageIndex+1) % images.size();
    alphaValue = 0;
  alphaValue += alphaShift;    

void fade(int l,int n, float a, boolean zi) {    
  if (l >= 0) {
    float invAlpha = 1.0-a;
    tint(255, invAlpha * 255);
    PImage limg=images.get(l);
    // only fade out no zooming
    image(limg, width/2, height/2, width, height);   
  tint(255, a * 255);
  PImage nimg=images.get(n);
  // if zi zoom in and blend in else only blend in 
  image(nimg, width/2, height/2, zi ? width*a : width, zi ? height*a : height);      

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