Data from PDE to Arduinio IDE on continual basis

Hi @kmot, You’ve posted the link to asking questions, but you need to do what it says. Please format your code so the whole code appears as code (one for Procesing and one for Arduino). Look at other topics to see how it should be. Then there’s the part about small steps. IMO your project steps should be

  • make Arduino print numbers counting continuously on the serial monitor (Ard IDE ctrl-shift-m)
  • reformat those numbers to what you expect on the LCD
  • put them on the LCD

When that is all working then think what you want the PC and Processing to do. Your choice of words “PDE / IDE connection” indicates confusion to me, PDE = Processing sketch, IDE = Arduino IDE - why would you want them to communicate? It’s very common to make Processing and Arduino communicate and I/others will help you with that.