Creation of a tower with boxes

Update : i did it :smile: now I have a wall that can have a door, I’m very happy


But think I think the most hard to do is those little windows that the teacher call “Meurtirère” I tried my best but without nothing, is it possible like … to translate only the boxes that are before and after the middle to get a little hole like this ? :

void drawWall(int h, int l) {  
  for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) {
      // Rotation de l'ensemble du mur
      // Ajouter un décalage à la position en x pour chaque deuxième rangée
      float xOffset = (j % 2 == 1) ? 5 : 0; // Décalage de 5 unités pour chaque deuxième rangée
      translate(i * 10 + xOffset , -j * 5 , 0);  // Ajouter un décalage à la position en x 
      fill(145, 145, 145); // Couleur de la boîte
      box(10, 5, 5);
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la meurtrière [ARCHIT.] is embrasure in English

Hello @Smail_OUABED,

I was able to achieve this with your code snippet and some experimenting:


Consider manipulating other variables to achieve outcomes.

Here I had a variable for bx:

if (conditions) //left side
        bx = 5;
        box(bx, 5, 5);
      else if (conditions) // right side
      else // rest of tower

It took some effort but was worth it!


The English translation is different for subject and content for that word using Google Chrome! It did yield other terms of interest.

Other definitions:
