Creating variation in grid with random(); & image

No, these are global variables meaning they are accessible everywhere in the code (inside functions, loops… and more generally any blocks).

int globalVariable = 0;

void example() {
  int localVariableToTheExampleFunction = 1;
  println(globalVariable); // Accessible here

example(); // Prints 0
println(localVariableToTheExampleFunction); // Error: not defined in this scope

This is the notion of scope in computer science.

This is a common practice to put global variables at the top of your program so modifying and reading them is easy. In this case, I am just declaring a variable that controls the maximum height that points can have using the z coordinate (pointing from you from the window point of view).

You need to understand how object oriented programming works (using classes with the class) keyword. See a previous message I did on the subject:

To summarize, I am using a Grid class that describes the grid you want to display. It has a points attribute which is a 2D array of PVector (which is itself a class holding up to three coordinates x, y, z).

This is perfect since we want to handle 3D points organized in a grid (rows and columns).

A class has a constructor, it’s a special “method” with some parameters used to initialize the object (in this case the Grid):

class Grid {
  Grid(int resolution, int borderGap) {
    // Initialize the grid here (mainly point coordinates)

Try to read the code and understand what each part does before trying to copy paste code at some places. :wink:

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