I’ve made a sketch that stores and reads an array of CSV row strings from the browser’s local storage using storeItem() & getItem() respectively; then converts that array to p5.TableRow objects; and finally use p5.Table::addRow() to populate a p5.Table container:
Each mouse click adds a new p5.TableRow to the p5.Table container, updating the browser’s local storage as well.
Middle-click it in order to clear the p5.Table & browser’s local storage:
This sketch can be checked running online at the link below:
* Populate Table from Local Storage (v1.0.2)
* GoToLoop (2019-Jul-11)
* Discourse.Processing.org/t/creating-and-populating-a-table-from-scratch/12658/3
* Bl.ocks.org/GoSubRoutine/dabbc9371441720a07bd5de513a6b890
'use strict';
const A_ASCII = 'A'.charCodeAt(),
Z_ASCII = 'Z'.charCodeAt(),
HASH = '#', COMMA = ',',
SAVE_NAME = 'MyTable.csv',
ALL_COLORS = 0x1000;
let table;
function setup() {
createCanvas(200, 200).mousePressed(addRandomRow);
(table = new p5.Table).columns = ['name', 'x', 'y'];
const storage = getItem(STORAGE_NAME);
storage && populateTableFromStorage(table, storage);
function draw() {
background(HASH + hex(~~random(ALL_COLORS), 3));
function addRandomRow() {
if (mouseButton === CENTER) return emptyTableAndItsStorage(table);
const tr = table.addRow();
tr.set(0, String.fromCharCode(random(A_ASCII, Z_ASCII + 1)));
tr.set(1, ~~random(width));
tr.set(2, ~~random(height));
storeItem(STORAGE_NAME, prepareTableRowsForStorage(table));
function emptyTableAndItsStorage(t) {
return t;
function populateTableFromStorage(t, arr) {
for (const s of arr) t.addRow(new p5.TableRow(s));
return t;
function prepareTableRowsForStorage({ rows }) {
return rows.map(tableRowsToStorageConvertor);
function tableRowsToStorageConvertor({ arr }) {
return arr.join();