Collision detection Ball

import static javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog;
import java.util.Random;
Random rand = new Random();

float x = 450;
float Ball = 0;
//int RandomSpawnWidth;
float speedBall = 3;
int score = 0;
float speedPlayer = 10;
PFont Font;
float BallX = 25;
//float BallY = 25;

void setup()

  size(800, 600);
  BallX = rand.nextInt(600);
  Font = createFont("arial.ttf", 24);
  // textFont(Font);

//Background background = new Background(); //first class
//Grass grass = new Grass(); // second class

void draw()
  float ellipseRadius = 25;
  float circleRadius = 25;
  if (keyPressed) {
    if (key == 'a' || key == 'A') {
      x = (x-speedPlayer);
  if (keyPressed) {
    if (key == 'd' || key == 'D') {
      x = (x+speedPlayer);
  if (x >= 800) {
    x = 800;

  if (x <= 80) {
    x = 80;
  fill (#00F727);
  ellipse (400, 700, 900, 500); // landscape

  fill (#674700);
  rect(400, 400, 20, 50); // middle tree stump

  fill (#018E02);
  ellipse (410, 400, 50, 50); // middle tree leafs

  fill (#674700);
  rect(500, 450, 21, 51); // right tree stump

  fill (#018E02);
  ellipse (510, 445, 50, 50); // right tree leafs
  fill (#674700);
  rect(50, 500, 150, 400); // left tree stump

  fill (#018E02);
  ellipse (110, 350, 350, 350); // left tree leafs
  fill (#E52525);
  rect(x-60, 545, 30, 50); //body

  fill (#DEACAC);

  ellipse(x-45, 540, 50, 50); // head

  fill (#000000);
  rect(x-60, 532, 13, 10); //left eye sunglasses
  rect(x-50, 532, 11, 3); //middle piece sunglasses
  rect(x-42, 532, 13, 10); //right eye sunglasses

  ellipse(x-45, 551, 10, 5); //mouth
  ellipse(x-55, 595, 13, 5); //left foot
  ellipse(x-35, 595, 13, 5); //right foot

  fill (#FEFF0D);
  ellipse(10, -5, 250, 250); //sun
  if (mousePressed) {
    fill (#E0E0E0);
    ellipse(10, -5, 250, 250); //moon
  text("Score: " + score, 693, 33);

  Ball = Ball + speedBall;
  if (Ball > 600) {
    showMessageDialog(null, "Close One!");

  if (Ball <= 600);
    fill (#FF780F);
    ellipse(BallX, 0+Ball, 50, 50);  // RandomSpawnWidth

    if (dist(BallX, Ball, x, 590) < ellipseRadius + circleRadius+44) {

      //if (BallX > x - 30 && BallX < x+30); 

      BallX = random(20, width-20);
      Ball  = random(-30, -10);

  ellipse( BallX, Ball, 6, 6);

Did you notice, you had this RandomSpawnWidth instead of BallX AND you had Ball instead of BallY.

  • So please, instead of coming up with new variables, have a plan and stick with it. Use the variable names you got.

Hi, I made a whole new account just to thank you!

I noticed, I feel so dumb. Thnx for the advice!

Kind regards,


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You are most welcome!

I know it’s so confusing in the beginning…

If you have time over, do you know how to generate a random color every time it collides, that would be very cool (it needs to be in an array). :slight_smile:


before setup()

color[] cols = new color[5];   

in setup

  cols [0]  =  color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );
  cols [1]   = ..;
  cols [2]  = ..;
  cols [3]  = ..;
  cols [4]  = ..;

make a random number that you use as an index for cols:

this is it:

int index=int(random(5)); 


Okay so now I have
Before setup:

color[] cols = new color[5];

In setup:
cols [0] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );
cols [1] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );
cols [2] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );
cols [3] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );
cols [4] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );

But where do I need to fill in this?
int index=int(random(5));

And how exactly do you mean “make a random number that you use as an index for cols”.
I am pretty new to programming so my processing knowledge is not great.

1 Like

this int index=int(random(5)); comes every time it collides

this fill(cols[index]); right before ellipse() command

You know what, heres my code! Now you can look what I did wrong

float x = 450;
float Ball = 0;
//int RandomSpawnWidth;
float speedBall = 3;
int score = 0;
float speedPlayer = 10;
PFont Font;
float BallX = 25;
color[] cols = new color[5];
//float BallY = 25;

void setup()

size(800, 600);
BallX = rand.nextInt(600);
Font = createFont(“arial.ttf”, 24);
cols [0] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );
cols [1] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );
cols [2] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );
cols [3] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );
cols [4] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );

//Background background = new Background(); //first class
//Grass grass = new Grass(); // second class

void draw()
float ellipseRadius = 25;
float circleRadius = 25;
if (keyPressed) {
if (key == ‘a’ || key == ‘A’) {
x = (x-speedPlayer);
if (keyPressed) {
if (key == ‘d’ || key == ‘D’) {
x = (x+speedPlayer);
if (x >= 800) {
x = 800;

if (x <= 80) {
x = 80;
fill (#00F727);
ellipse (400, 700, 900, 500); // landscape

fill (#674700);
rect(400, 400, 20, 50); // middle tree stump

fill (#018E02);
ellipse (410, 400, 50, 50); // middle tree leafs

fill (#674700);
rect(500, 450, 21, 51); // right tree stump

fill (#018E02);
ellipse (510, 445, 50, 50); // right tree leafs
fill (#674700);
rect(50, 500, 150, 400); // left tree stump

fill (#018E02);
ellipse (110, 350, 350, 350); // left tree leafs
fill (#E52525);
rect(x-60, 545, 30, 50); //body

fill (#DEACAC);

ellipse(x-45, 540, 50, 50); // head

fill (#000000);
rect(x-60, 532, 13, 10); //left eye sunglasses
rect(x-50, 532, 11, 3); //middle piece sunglasses
rect(x-42, 532, 13, 10); //right eye sunglasses

ellipse(x-45, 551, 10, 5); //mouth
ellipse(x-55, 595, 13, 5); //left foot
ellipse(x-35, 595, 13, 5); //right foot

fill (#FEFF0D);
ellipse(10, -5, 250, 250); //sun
if (mousePressed) {
fill (#E0E0E0);
ellipse(10, -5, 250, 250); //moon
text("Score: " + score, 693, 33);

Ball = Ball + speedBall;
if (Ball > 600) {
showMessageDialog(null, “Close One!”);

if (Ball < 600);
fill (#FF780F);
ellipse(BallX, 0+Ball, 50, 50);
int index=int(random(5));
if (dist(BallX, Ball, x, 590) < ellipseRadius + circleRadius+25) {

    BallX = random(20, width-20);
    Ball  = random(-30, -10);
    speedBall = speedBall + 0.3; 
    Ball = Ball + speedBall;
    speedPlayer = speedPlayer + 0.25;


I am spoon feeding you…

Please, you solve this

Maybe here is where you can use your new color fill?

Okay, sorry I meant the background. I put int index=int(random(5));
background(cols[index]); at the the top under the draw so all the other things are drawn on top of it, it is flashing 5 colors in lightspeed, my eyes hurt :slight_smile: Is there a way that I prevent it so it only changes when it collides. Sorry that I need your help this much, but otherwise it will never work.

Obviously call this only when our player has catched the ball!

Yeah that works but now the ball and the characters are drawn many times so the ball looks like a snake

Do you still have background working?

Sounds like it doesn’t work anymore

But without seeing your code, guess work

it does work but: it draws the ball and the characters multiple times.

import static javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog;
import java.util.Random;
Random rand = new Random();

float x = 450;
float Ball = 0;
//int RandomSpawnWidth;
float speedBall = 3;
int score = 0;
float speedPlayer = 10;
PFont Font;
float BallX = 25;
color[] cols = new color[10];
//float BallY = 25;

void setup()

size(800, 600);
BallX = rand.nextInt(600);
Font = createFont(“arial.ttf”, 24);
cols [0] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );
cols [1] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );
cols [2] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );
cols [3] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );
cols [4] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );
cols [5] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );
cols [6] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );
cols [7] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );
cols [8] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );
cols [9] = color(random(256), random(256), random(256) );

//Background background = new Background(); //first class
Grass grass = new Grass(); // second class

void draw()
float ellipseRadius = 25;
float circleRadius = 25;
if (keyPressed) {
if (key == ‘a’ || key == ‘A’) {
x = (x-speedPlayer);
if (keyPressed) {
if (key == ‘d’ || key == ‘D’) {
x = (x+speedPlayer);
if (x >= 800) {
x = 800;

if (x <= 80) {
x = 80;
fill (#00F727);
ellipse (400, 700, 900, 500); // landscape

fill (#674700);
rect(400, 400, 20, 50); // middle tree stump

fill (#018E02);
ellipse (410, 400, 50, 50); // middle tree leafs

fill (#674700);
rect(500, 450, 21, 51); // right tree stump

fill (#018E02);
ellipse (510, 445, 50, 50); // right tree leafs
fill (#674700);
rect(50, 500, 150, 400); // left tree stump

fill (#018E02);
ellipse (110, 350, 350, 350); // left tree leafs
fill (#E52525);
rect(x-60, 545, 30, 50); //body

fill (#DEACAC);

ellipse(x-45, 540, 50, 50); // head

fill (#000000);
rect(x-60, 532, 13, 10); //left eye sunglasses
rect(x-50, 532, 11, 3); //middle piece sunglasses
rect(x-42, 532, 13, 10); //right eye sunglasses

ellipse(x-45, 551, 10, 5); //mouth
ellipse(x-55, 595, 13, 5); //left foot
ellipse(x-35, 595, 13, 5); //right foot

fill (#FEFF0D);
ellipse(10, -5, 250, 250); //sun
if (mousePressed) {
fill (#E0E0E0);
ellipse(10, -5, 250, 250); //moon
text("Score: " + score, 693, 33);

Ball = Ball + speedBall;
if (Ball > 600) {
showMessageDialog(null, “Close One!”);

if (Ball < 600);
fill (#FF780F);
ellipse(BallX, 0+Ball, 50, 50);
if (dist(BallX, Ball, x, 590) < ellipseRadius + circleRadius+35) {

  BallX = random(20, width-20);
  Ball  = random(-30, -10);

  speedBall = speedBall + 0.3; 
  Ball = Ball + speedBall;
  speedPlayer = speedPlayer + 0.25;
  int index=int(random(10));


But I appreciate the fact that you are already helping me for 3 hours long of your time. Couldn’t make it witouth you man! I really mean that. Didn’t expect to get a reply at first!

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You need this line at start of draw () function

But that is a class, which is nothing at the moment so I did //. But I did put there a background (#FFFFFF); for testing, it doesn’t draw it multiple times but the background stays white then.


Didn’t we agree on

background (cols[index]);

YOU NEED some kind of background() at start of draw() because otherwise, you see falling ball like a snake