Background(image) not working

cleaning up isnt that important to me, but what do i have to do to get it to work?

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Most issues get solved because we clean up

Do you use rectMode(CENTER) somewhere?


the code for

  //button unten rechts wird gedrĂŒckt

is completely missing??
and not forget the && state == 0 logic for the first 4 buttons

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You are asking for help from this community and making your code presentable is a reasonable expectation.

At the very least you could have used “Edit > Auto Format” in Processing before posting.

Go through your code.
The problem is very obvious so I will not be assisting with this.



sorry for not making it very presentable, but i will do this.

First, the button click checking thing works, but i doessnt at the position of the back button.

it should just check if you click it and than it shoud change to state 3.

How doesnt it do that?

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ok i will cleanup :smiley:

and no


that is missing, because i want to solve the problem first, i can do that later. Also, the && state == 0 doesnt matter, but i added it.


your logic is not working, “over” is underlined red, and it says The function 
 does not exist, do i have to code the function or did i do something wrong?

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You have to code the function over

It might return either true or false in the if clause

Also read your code carefully, check the sketch and the states

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how can i declare variables in functions? this doesnt work:

public void over(x, y, w, h){
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You are missing “state 4” and “checking button 4” and “draw_back_button_and_some_text4()”

I was able to cut, paste and modify and quickly get this working.


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i only need that for the button in the bottom right corner? that doesnt have anything to do with the problem or am i overlooking something

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and i still didnt get this to work: public void over(x, y, w, h){


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void is the return type (empty)

You don’t want that. You want boolean as return type. public is not needed.

so boolean over(

And then just float in front of the variables

float x, float y


better change it; since it can interfere

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When you read the first three textual tutorials you get a grip of functions

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Alright, i did this now, but if i press the back button, nothing happens

boolean over(float x, float y, float w, float h){
  if(mouseY > y && mouseY < y + h && mouseX > x && mouseY < x + w){
   return true; 
  return false;
//zurĂŒck button wird gedrĂŒckt
  if ( over(80, 870, 250, 100) && state > 0) {
      state = 0;
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I also added button 4 now:

void setup() {

  size(1920, 1080);

color blue = color(3, 182, 252);
color grey = color(222);
color black = color(0);
int state = 0;

boolean over(float x, float y, float w, float h) {

  if (mouseY > y && mouseY < y + h && mouseX > x && mouseY < x + w) {

    return true;

  return false;

public void draw_4_buttons() {

  rect(100, 100, 250, 250);
  //Button oben rechts
  rect(1570, 100, 250, 250);
  //Button unten links
  rect(100, 730, 250, 250);
  //Button unten rechts
  rect(1570, 730, 250, 250);

void draw_back_button_and_some_text1() {

  text("Hier könnte ihre Werbung stehen1", 500, 55);

  rect(80, 870, 250, 100);

  text("zurĂŒck", 110, 940);

void draw_back_button_and_some_text2() {

  text("Hier könnte ihre Werbung stehen2", 500, 55);

  rect(80, 870, 250, 100);

  text("zurĂŒck", 110, 940);

void draw_back_button_and_some_text3() {

  text("Hier könnte ihre Werbung stehen3", 500, 55);

  rect(80, 870, 250, 100);

  text("zurĂŒck", 110, 940);

void draw_back_button_and_some_text4() {

  text("Hier könnte ihre Werbung stehen4", 500, 55);

  rect(80, 870, 250, 100);

  text("zurĂŒck", 110, 940);

void draw() {
  if ( state == 0 ) draw_4_buttons();
  if ( state == 1 ) draw_back_button_and_some_text1();
  if ( state == 2 ) draw_back_button_and_some_text2();
  if ( state == 3 ) draw_back_button_and_some_text3();
  if ( state == 4 ) draw_back_button_and_some_text4();

  //button oben links wird gedrĂŒckt
  if (mouseY > 100 && mouseY < 350 &&
    mouseX > 100 && mouseX < 350 ) {

    if (mousePressed && state == 0) {

      state = 1;

  //button oben rechts wird gedrĂŒckt
  if (mouseY > 100 && mouseY < 350 && 
    mouseX > 1570 && mouseX < 1820 ) {

    if (mousePressed && state == 0) {

      state = 2;

  //button unten links wird gedrĂŒckt

  if (mouseY > 730 && mouseY < 980 && 
    mouseX > 100 && mouseX < 350 ) {

    if (mousePressed && state == 0) {

      state = 3;

  //button unten rechts wird gedrĂŒckt

  if (mouseY > 730 && mouseY < 980 &&
    mouseX > 1570 && mouseX < 1820) {

    if (mousePressed && state == 0) {

      state = 4;

  //zurĂŒck button wird gedrĂŒckt

  if ( over(80, 870, 250, 100) && state > 0) {

    if (mousePressed) {

      state = 0;

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Read carefully this line

Also long lines are better readable when you make a line break after e.g. &&

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The idea is that you use over() in every line of this type.

This is the purpose of a function like over() : you can use it multiple times and it makes your code better readable and less erroneous!

Also a sketch should have following order:

  • ALL global variables etc

  • setup() and draw() in that order

  • Standard built-in functions like keyPressed, mousePressed and the like

  • Your own functions like over(). Also in hierarchiel order, the most important first, then the lesser important like over()


Also instead of using mousePressed as a variable in draw (), better look at the function mousePressed () in the reference and put all button checks therein.

You can distinguish both in the reference by the brackets () although they have the same name „mousePressed“. As I have written them above with and without the brackets.
