Animation with 3 different sketches combined using Switch with keyboard input


I started an exploration of this with some basic code (your code stripped down ) NOT including the sound libraries.

Click Here for Code
int sketchToDraw; 

void setup() 
  size(300, 300, P3D);

void draw() 
  switch (sketchToDraw) 
  case 0:  
    draw1(); break;
  case 1:  
    draw2(); break;
  case 2:  
    draw3(); break;
    background(0); break;

void keyPressed() 
  if (key == '1')
    sketchToDraw = 0;

  if (key == '2')
    sketchToDraw = 1;

  if (key == '3')
    sketchToDraw = 2;

void draw1() 
  text("Draw 1", width/2, height/2);
  println("draw 1");

void draw2() 
  text("Draw 2", width/2, height/2); 
  println("draw 2");

void draw3() 
  text("Draw 3", width/2, height/2);    
  println("draw 3");

This worked as is and with your 3 draw functions which I did not include here.
I removed all the sound code for testing.

Printing to console is a great tool in code development:

Be sure to comment these when not using! They can slow things down.

There are many ways to do this.
An example here of this:
Start simple and build on that.


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