A music player that automatically adds .wav or .mp3 files in the data folder to list?

(actually the song player is by me)

File lister

here is an example to register new files throughout

you have to

  • select wav/mp3
  • sort


String[] fileList=null; 

// processing core functions 

void setup() {
  size(880, 800);
  background(111); // gray

void draw() {
  background(111); // gray

// Other functions 

void updateList() {
  File file = new File(dataPath(""));
  fileList = file.list();

  if (fileList==null) {
    println("Folder is empty.");
  } else {
    // success

void showList() {
  if (fileList==null) 
    return; // leave 

  int i=0; 
  for (String s1 : fileList) { 
    text(s1, 33, 44+i*22);
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