if you can explain this code and how to use it
PImage imga;// the image which is inside the subfolder called "autredos" and you want to get
Activity act;
String finalPath;
PImage[] img;// arrayList for all images
void setup(){
act= this.getActivity();
img = loadImages("autredos"+"/"+"autresousdos");// for creating the list in the subfolder
imga = img[0];// here i suppose that i know the image i will display; in some cases you have to create a list view and can choose from it
void draw(){
image(imga, 0, 0); //displaying the image imaga, in the subfolder
PImage[] loadImages(String folderName_){
AssetManager assetManager = act.getAssets();
String[] imgPath = assetManager.list(folderName_);
File[] files = new File[imgPath.length];
img = new PImage[imgPath.length];
for(int i=0; i<imgPath.length; i++){
println (imgPath[i]);
img[i] = loadImage(folderName_ + "/" + imgPath[i]);
files[i] = new File(folderName_+"/" + imgPath[i]);//pour des fichiers quelconque, here you can find all folders
println("file=====" + files[i]);
catch(IOException ex){
System.out.println (ex.toString());
return img;