10 print chr$(205.5+rnd(1)); : goto 10


Brevity is the soul of wit, golf, and much code. But many of the solutions here have something extra, and that is elegance. I suppose elegance is a short apparently simple statement (equation, sonnet, code, etc.) that when unpacked is huge and complex. An example would be the most beautiful equation in the world, "pow(e, i*PI) + 1 = 0”, seen in a freeze-frame of Lisa Simpson’s book cover in ‘MoneyBart’ and named after Leonhard Euler.

I have been trying to find an elegant way to generate the permutations of all the members of a set. I can write code that does the job but it is far from elegant and certainly not brief. Perhaps this should be the subject of a new thread.

e = e = 2.71828; // Euler’s number
i = sqrt(-1); // imaginary